Katie cooks

Simple Shakshuka

Shakshuka.. the ultimate sharing brunch dish!! It sounds so exotic but actually its pretty easy to cook, the most complicated part is getting the eggs cooked perfectly so that the white is fully cooked through and the yolk is still lovely and runny. It may even take you a couple of attempts, I know I had to cook this dish several times before I mastered it, but whether your egg is a little more over cooked then you would normally like on your first try of this delicious dish, one things for sure, the flavour will still be top notch!!

You can put your own twist on this by adding almost anything to it, maybe swap the bacon for chorizo or a sprinkling of feta at the end. Or you can leave the meat out completely and its a delicious veggie dish.

A pan with a lid is ideal but you can make a lid from tin foil if you don't have one available just be careful when you handle it as it won't have a handle.



Prep time 10mins

Cook time 30mins


6 rashers of smoked bacon, cut into short strips

3tbsp olive oil

2 red onions, sliced

2 red bell peppers, cored and sliced

3 garlic cloves, finely sliced

2tsp sweet paprika

1.5tsp ground cumin

1tsp ground coriander

2 tins chopped tomatoes

1.5tsp sugar

1/2tbsp (abit more if you prefer) of medium spiced hot sauce, this is an optional ingredient, I use cholula hot sauce the one with the little wooden lid, its the best breakfast hot sauce

2 handfuls of fresh spinach

Salt and pepper to taste (please consider the salty bacon when adding this you'll need less then normal)

4 large eggs

Fresh parsley, roughly chopped, about 4tbsp once chopped

4 Flatbreads to serve


In a sauté pan or deep frying pan, dry fry the bacon strips on a medium to high heat, this means add no oil. Cook until the fat is just crispy. If the pan does get to dry at any point you can add a drizzle of oil, this will depend on the type of pan you're using. Once brown, remove and set aside.

In the same pan but on a slightly lower medium heat add the olive oil and the onions and gently sauté for about 5minutes.

Once they start to soften add the red pepper and garlic and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Now in with the paprika, cumin and coriander, cook until the spices are nice and aromatic, about another 5 mins. If the pan gets to dry add another dash of olive oil.

Pour in the tinned tomatoes, sugar and hot sauce, if using, and give it all a good stir.

Re-add the bacon and a good crack of pepper, about 1/2 a tsp. Dont add any extra salt just yet.

Let it all bubble away for 10 mins, this allows it to reduce a little and the flavours develop.

After 10 mins add the spinach and stir through, letting the residual heat wilt it.

Have a taste and see if it needs any salt or extra pepper, this will depend on your tastebuds, I normally add a tiny bit of salt, about 1/4tsp but everyone is different.

Make sure the heat is on medium and you have a lid handy, you can use tin foil if you don't have one.

Make 4 shallow wells in the shakshuka using a spoon, make sure you don't go all the way to the bottom go the pan. Carefully crack an egg in each well being careful not to break the yolk.

Cover with the lid and cook for about 4-5 minutes until the whites are cooked through but the yolk is still runny. You should check after 3.5 minutes to see how they are getting on as the cooking time will vary depending on the size of the eggs you buy and how good your saucepan lid is. Cook for longer if you prefer them cooked through.

Once you are happy with the eggs, sprinkle over the fresh parsley, serve it by popping in the middle of the table and let everyone dig in!!

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