Katie cooks

Stuffing Bombs

Move over pigs in blankets there's a new xmas side dish in town!! Try these super simple stuffing bombs with your Christmas dinner this year, you can make them ahead and reheat on the big day, saving time for an extra buck fizz!!

This recipe requires a muffin tin, I use one that has 6.5cm moulds and they're perfect. You can cook in batches to if you only have 6 mould tin like me!!

Click the picture below for a short recipe video.



Prep time 15mins

Cooking time 40 mins

You will need a muffin tin, with roughly 6.5cm moulds‍


1.5tbsp butter

1 large onion, sliced finely

15g fresh sage or a small handful, roughly chopped

12 pork sausages skin removed

40-50g panko breadcrumbs

1.5tbsp apple sauce (optional)

24 rashers of smoked streaky bacon.


Preheat the oven to 170c

In a sauté pan, or frying pan, add the butter on a medium heat, once the butter is melted add the sliced onion and gently sauté for 5mins, until just soft.

Now add your chopped sage and cook for another 2 mins, remove from the heat and allow to cool.

In a mixing bowl add the sausage meat, breadcrumbs, apple sauce if using, and the cooled onion mix.

With clean hands, mix it all together until well combined.

Lightly grease your muffin tin with cooking oil

Line each muffin tin with the bacon, try to leave no gaps. I used about 2 rashers per mould, cut in half or thirds, whatever works best so that when you place the stuffing mix in you have enough over lap to seal it. This will depend on which muffin tin your using. Please see my Instagram page for a tutorial.

Once lined place enough stuffing meat in to fill it up and then seal with the bacon.

Pop into your preheated oven for 20mins, after this time gently use a spoon and turn the stuffing bombs over, be careful as they will be hot. This will crisp up the tidier side. Pop back in the oven for another 10mins or until crisp and browned.


Tap this picture for a short recipe video.
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