Katie cooks

Pasta Bolognese

Spaghetti Bolognese could possibly be one of my all time favourite comfort dishes, full of flavour and so filling, perfect on a gloomy day and we all know we get plenty of those in England!! This is a really easy recipe and a great dish to have in the bag if you're new to cooking. Believe it or not it can be cheaper then buying a jarred sauce and its certainly more delicious!! Like most recipes the longer you leave it to slowly cook the better the flavour will be but this can also be knocked up with in an hour.

Check out the tips below for a great recipe hack for all those loose lasagna 'trimmings' you might normally throw away.



Prep time 20 mins

Cooking time 1hr


2tbsp olive oil

500g beef mince (preferably 12% fat)

80g smoked bacon lardons

1 large onion, diced

1 carrot, finely diced as possible (no need to bother peeling)

4 garlic cloves, crushed

2tbsp dried basil

2tbsp dried oregano

1tsp salt

1tsp ground black pepper

200ml red wine

400g passata

1/2tsp sugar

500ml hot beef stock

1.5tbsp Worcestershire sauce

500g dried spaghetti

To garnish (optional)

4tbsp fresh basil, finely chopped

A good crack of freshly ground pepper

Sprinkling of parmesan


Heat 1tbsp of olive oil in a deep pan, add the beef mince and on a medium to high heat brown it off. Once browned remove from the pan and set aside.

Add the second tablespoon of oil into the same pan and on a medium heat add the bacon lardons and cook, once they are nicely coloured add the diced onion and carrot, continue to cook until they are nice and tender, try not to colour them or they may turn bitter, if the pan gets to dry at any point before they are cooked add a splash of water.

Now add the garlic, cook gently for 1 min and then go in with the dried basil, oregano, salt and pepper and cook off for another 2mins until fragrant.

Re add the browned mince to the pan and add in the red wine, turn the heat up slightly and cook until the alcohol has cooked out, this will take about 3mins.

Now add the tinned tomatoes, sugar, hot beef stock, and Worcestershire sauce, for now make sure the heat is turned to a medium high and leave to bubble away and reduce.

Once reduced by half, have a taste and add a little more seasoning if needed according to your personal taste... be sure to blow before you taste it'll be hot!!

At this stage you can turn the heat down and allow to reduce a little further while you cook your spaghetti according to the package instructions or you can keep the Bolognese bubbling away on low for a few hours topping with hot water every now and again so it doesn't dry out... I know it seems a waste of time to keep reducing and then topping up with water but it will really help with developing the flavours, so if your have a free afternoon if let it bubble away for at least 2 hours.

Whatever your time frame, once your pasta is cooked and drained, immediately add a large ladle of your Bolognese sauce to the spaghetti, this will help it from clumping together and also create a nice coating for your pasta, divide in to bowls and spoon extra Bolognese over the top.

If using sprinkle over all your garnishes and get comfy on the sofa in front of a film and enjoy!!


You can transfer your Bolognese into an casserole dish and pop in the oven at 130c for a few hours, checking every now and again and topping up with water if your prefer not slow cook it on the hob.

Adding some seasoned and toasted breadcrumbs on top is also absolutely delicious, just blitz some stale bread in a food processor add a small pinch of salt, pepper, garlic powder and dried parsley, toss in a table spoon of olive oil and toast in the oven on a baking tray for 5 mins.

You know when you make a delicious lasagna sometimes you have to snap bits and pieces off of the sheets so it'll fit in the dish well I like to use up my lasagna sheet 'trimmings' I've collected up every few months, so leave the sauce a little thinner then normal at the end and add the lasagna sheet 'trimmings' direct in to the sauce turn down to low and cover with a lid, they'll cook in the sauce taking about 20mins, stirring twice in this time to make sure the pasta isn't sticking to the bottom of the pan, and if its still a little under but the sauce is thickening to much just add a splash more hot water.

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