Katie cooks

Sausage Stroganoff

I love a quick and tasty midweek meal, and stroganoff is one of my all time faves. Its really doesn't take any skill at all and I've made it even simpler by using chipolatas, and I can strongly recommend getting your hands on some chicken ones if you can, although pork will do the trick to. The reason I've picked chipolatos instead of thick sausages is because they cook quicker and they really compliment this delicious yet subtle sauce.



Prep time 10mins

Cooking time 40mins


1.5tbsp olive oil

8-10 chicken or pork chipolatas .. I love The Jolly Hog sausages.

1.5tbsp butter

2 shallots or 1 white onion, finely diced

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1/4tsp of salt

1/4tsp pepper

250g chestnut mushrooms, rinsed and sliced

1.5tsp paprika

1tsp plain flour

1tbsp tomato puree

200ml white wine

350ml chicken stock

100ml creme fraiche or double cream

Small handful of chopped fresh parsley, about 5 tbsp once chopped


We'll be cooking this dish in one pan so ideally use a sauté pan of a deep-ish frying pan.

In the pan heat the olive oil, use a medium heat because we want to brown the sausages but also cook them all the way through, if the heat is to high they'll just burn on the outside and not cook in the middle. You can always turn the heat up slightly for the last couple of minutes if you need more colour. Cook them for 15mins, turning every so often to get colour all around them. Pop on a plate and leave to one side. You can cut one open to check they're nicely cooked through.

In the same pan on a medium heat, add the butter and once melted add the shallots or onion, and cook gently for 5minutes.

Add the crushed garlic cloves, salt and pepper and cook for 2 mins. Be sure that the garlic doesn't burn.

Now add in all of the mushrooms, it might seem a lot but they will shrink to half the size, cook them for about 5 mins until they are nice and soft.

Next we add the paprika, stir well, cook for a minute.

Add the plain flour and tomato puree, mix it in and cook for another minute then turn the heat up slightly and add the wine. Be sure to mix well when you add the wine, we are going to cook the alcohol out of the wine so cook it for about 3 minutes.

You can now add the chicken stock, stir well and keep the heat on medium to high and let the sauce reduce by a third.

Once the sauce has reduced, turn the heat back down to medium and allow it cool slightly, once its a little cooler add the creme fraiche or double cream and half of the chopped parsley. We turn the heat down because adding dairy when the heat is to hot can split the sauce. Stir well and have a taste, you may want to adjust the salt and pepper but I find its ok.

Re-add the sausages and now we just want to reheat them all the way through, so keep the heat on medium, stirring occasionally to make sure the sausages get warm on all sides. You can add a splash of warm water if the sauce begins to get to think but make sure you mix it in well when you do.

You can use this time to cook some accompaniments like rice and steamed green beans.

Serve with your choice of sides and sprinkle over the remaining parsley.

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