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I wanted to dedicate my very first blogs to the humble yet incredibly satisfying Sunday roast!
A good roast is at the heart of most family weekends and this has been the case for me since well before I could remember, in my youngest memories it was always at my nans house, the house was full to the brim with children and adults with equal measures of fun and playful arguments between each other.
It wasn’t until I was older that I said, after enjoying one of my mums roasts, Mum I think you’re roasts are as good as nans…. Her response.. that’s because I used to cook them for nan!! And so the time had come for me to move out with my husband and take hold of the Sunday roast reigns, and I hope I’ve done so successfully, slightly evolved from, dare I say it, greens and cauliflower that have spent slightly to long in their Jacuzzi saucepans and straight from the freezer Yorkshires, all of, can I add that I hold very fond memories of and even now if I’m not cooking I thoroughly enjoy the nostalgia of those young years at my nans house.
Part 1 - Perfect Potatoes
I used to marvel at my mums roasts potatoes and only in the last year have I managed to match her epic potato offerings, trust me its taken ALOT of practice to get the perfect crunchy outside but fluffy mashed interior.
TIP - Always remember.. never ever boil your potatoes for to long, even though you will end up with a pan of delicious crunchy bits you won’t have the fluffy inside, so always par boil until when you put a knife in the potato still feels a little hard but slowly slides off the knife, then drain and let them steam with no lid for about 10 mins.
My mums faultless roast potatoes still remain a mystery, but I have found 2 little secrets that make beautiful spuds week in and week out, firstly an oven tray by Eaziglide, available at John Lewis, its not the cheapest pan but it WILL last for an eternity and cleans so easily. Why is it so good, it has a hot plate underneath and so when you take it out the oven with your hot oil you can put it on the hob and keep the oil bubbling away while you evenly coat each potato in the hot oil and a sprinkling of Maldon sea salt, it works on gas and induction hobs!!
Eaziglide oven tray from John Lewis
The second secret, the oil I use is corn oil.. discovered totally by chance at my mother in laws! (I will explain the difference in oils and how they effect different cooking techniques in a later blog).
I like to roast mine at 180c fan for about 30-40 mins turning twice.
Remember if you’re slaving over the oven make sure you dish up the potatoes on your own, while the rest of your family are having a beer and cheering on their team or having an argument over a board game.. this is my sneaky way of nicking all the best potatoes for my plate.. after all we deserve it!!
See you next time when I’ll be talking all things meat.